Prenatal Naturopathic Care

Looking for Extra Support During Your Pregnancy?

Read on to learn more about the importance of naturopathic prenatal care…

Congratulations! I know getting a positive pregnancy test can bring out mixed emotions. It’s an incredible time in your life, but it can also be anxiety provoking, confusing, and fraught with a lot of unknowns. Having support, care and proper guidance will help you feel at ease. Naturopathic doctors are excellent healthcare professionals to include in your prenatal care team to maintain a healthy and optimal pregnancy.

How naturopathic doctors can help you feel your best during your pregnancy:

  • Counsel on proper supplementation based on your specific needs by screening for common nutritional deficiencies

  • Counsel on appropriate prenatal dietary approaches

  • Counsel on exercise guidelines

  • Adjunct management of common pregnancy conditions including UTIs, constipation, hemorrhoids, vaginitis, leg cramps, insomnia, acid reflux, headaches, etc.

  • Labour, delivery and lactation preparation and toolkit suggestions

  • Acupuncture - throughout pregnancy and to prepare for labour and delivery

  • Discussion on helpful pregnancy resources, including books, courses, etc.

Why is this important:

  • Proper diet, supplementation, exercise and self care have evidence to show:

    • Reduced risk of neural tube defects and birth defects such as spina bifida

    • Reduced risk of miscarriage

    • Reduced risk of the child developing asthma and eczema

    • Enhanced cognitive development and reduced risk of developmental issues

    • Reduced risk of interventions during delivery

    • Improved birth experience and reduced recovery time

    • Reduced risk of postpartum anxiety & depression

    • Reduced risk of developing gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, etc.

Are prenatal naturopathic visits covered?

  • Most visit with a naturopathic doctor are covered by extended medical benefits

To book a prenatal appointment or 15-minute complimentary consultation to discuss more about prenatal care with Dr. Rachel Corradetti-Sargeant, ND within Conceive Health @ Niagara Fertility, please contact visit:, call 1-877-645-7329 or email


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