These incredible media outlets have shared more about my work as a fertility-focused ND.
Dr. Rachel is featured on My Ovry’s The Landing Strip blog to discuss how to use their products to understand when you are most fertile.
Dr. Rachel is featured on Kelsey Reidl’s Visionary Method blog
Dr. Rachel discusses the signs and symptoms of low progesterone and what to do about it with Circle & Bloom.
Dr. Rachel shares her experience working in an integrated fertility clinic setting with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
Dr. Rachel discusses the Top 5 Hormone tests to do when TTC with Circle and Bloom.
On this episode of the Day 1 Podcast, Dr. Rachel shares with host, Emily Getz, her fertility journey as well as the importance of preconception care during your fertility journey.
Dr. Rachel shares a list of the best and safest lubricants to use when you’re trying to conceive.
Dr. Rachel discusses the important supplements for preconception in this informative guest post for Circle & Bloom.
Dr. Rachel shares all the details of the menstrual cycle and how to regulate it on Well & Strong’s blog.
Hormone testing is a very hot topic these days. Why? Because we have a combination of an aging population, more awareness of hormones, and more testing options to understand where we can affect change. Dr. Rachel shares on Aaptiv’s blog how hormone testing can be done and why it might be helpful.