Wondering what naturopathic medicine is all about…
What is naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine, sometimes called "naturopathy,”) is a distinct form of primary healthcare addressing both acute and chronic conditions while emphasizing disease prevention by using natural therapies to harness the intrinsic, self-healing processes of the body and mind.
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) combine the wisdom of centuries-old medical traditions and the philosophy of nature cure with the latest empirical medical research to bring their patients a truly holistic, integrative and functional approach to healthcare.
NDs follow a model of person-centered medicine rather than the disease-centered model practiced by many conventional physicians. The focus becomes the underlying cause of disease rather than an isolated set of symptoms. Furthermore, NDs educate their patients on their personal health management empowering them to live healthier lives for the long term.
Naturopathic doctors will provide primary-care assessment (including lab testing) and treat with singular applications or combinations of clinical nutrition, Traditional Chinese medicine (including acupuncture), botanical medicine, bodywork, and lifestyle counselling. Their methods are supported by research drawn from peer-reviewed journals covering many disciplines, including, but not limited to: naturopathic medicine, conventional medicine, complementary alternative medicine, clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, pharmacognosy, traditional Chinese medicine, psychology, bodywork and spirituality.
What sets NDs apart from conventional practitioners is that they spend time with their patients listening to their histories and looking at the interactions between the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.
Our Oath
I dedicate myself to the service of humanity as a practitioner of the art and science of Naturopathic medicine. I will honour my teachers and all who have preserved and developed this knowledge and dedicate myself to supporting the growth and evolution of Naturopathic medicine. I will endeavour to continually improve my abilities as a healer through study, reflection and genuine concern for humanity. I will impart knowledge of the advanced healing arts to dedicated colleagues and students.
Through precept, lecture and example, I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves, our families and future generations. According to my best ability and judgment, I will use methods of treatment which follow the principles of Naturopathic medicine:
• First of all, do no harm
• To act in cooperation with the Healing Power of Nature
• To address the fundamental causes of disease
• To heal the whole person through individualized treatment
• To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine
I will conduct my life and the practice of Naturopathic health care with vigilance, integrity and freedom from prejudice. I will abstain from voluntary acts of injustice and corruption. I will keep confidential whatever I am privileged to witness, whether professionally or privately that should not be divulged.
With my whole heart, before this gathering of witnesses, as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine,
I pledge to remain true to this oath.
Our Tenets
First Do No Harm - primum non nocere
The Healing Power of Nature - vis medicatrix naturae
Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect - tolle causam
Treat the Whole Person - tolle totum
Physician as Teacher – docere
Prevention is the Best Medicine – praevenire
Our Services
Naturopathic doctors have a toolbox full of tools to improve your health. We'll use any number of the options below based on your needs:
Clinical Nutrition (including supplementation)
Botanical Medicine
Lifestyle Counseling
Lab Testing
B12 Injections
A specific schedule of pharmaceuticals including bio-identical hormones
Still not sure if Naturopathic Medicine is right for you? Book a complimentary 15-minute visit to learn more about how I fit into your healthcare team.