Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month Resources | Fertility Naturopath

October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. October 15th is the official day to honour bereaved parents who have suffered a loss.

Managing pregnancy and infant loss is a difficult experience for anyone going through it. I myself have experienced pregnancy loss, and it took me months to feel ready to try to conceive again.

While I was recovering from loss (you can read part of my story here), I decided to focus on preparing my body to be in the best possible state for pregnancy.

At the time I was actually a patient of Conceive Health (the group for which I now work).

I worked with my naturopathic doctor at the time to review the following:

  • hormone levels - including thyroid health and progesterone levels

  • nutrients - including vitamin D 25-hydroxy

  • genetic testing - including Factor 5 Leiden

  • metabolic factors - including insulin resistance

  • structural factors - including a sonohysterogram

Other considerations when investigating reasons for pregnancy loss include:

  • chromosomal issues & possible translocation abnormalities

  • chronic infections

  • immune system issues including autoimmunity

  • blood clotting issues

  • screening for lifestyle factors like smoking

  • environmental toxins

  • age

When I am working with patients who have experienced loss we discuss all of the above factors so that we know which direction to go to work out:

  • dietary changes

  • lifestyle changes

  • appropriate supplementation

We take a very thorough approach.

Lastly, we discuss important factors such as counselling and support through loss. I often recommend the following:

Embrace Counselling Services

Circle & Bloom’s Miscarriage Meditation

In the meantime, you can check out my FREE Preconception Challenge to help you learn what can be done to improve your preconception status before trying to conceive.


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